Double jeopardy! As if hard work was not bad enough employment, I didn t like the job I was doing! You ll never imagine how tortuous the road was to work each time I had to undertake that journey! I can only imagine how long you have been in a JOB (Just Over Broke) but think about this, the painful reality is that when you re working for someone else, you usually end up working for less and getting taxed more !
I love the Apostles who believe the age of the employer is over! I am definitely a self made follower of this creed. The energy and life sapping ability of a JOB are bewildering. How long will it take you to raise a thousand pounds now? A respected internet marketer told of experiences of seeing grown men in tears because they needed a little extra cash and couldn t conceive how they would get it. To them an extra thousand pounds might as well be an extra ten million!
You have the heroic and personal choice to do something or not to do anything. Keep working hard if you so wish! I have subjected myself to what I would call a Shock treatment; I have suddenly subjected my brain to the task of creating wealth for me. This was in the shortest possible time to cover for lost earnings from working hard ! And boy, I didn t know my brain had such power! Reality Check- it was not without panic sometimes (nay, many times) but I ll rather sweat for myself!
The following statement of purpose is the best I have seen in recent history ; If you were to steal everything I owned , emptied my bank account and stripped all my assets except for my PC and my internet connection, in fact if you left me with nothing I would have a regular monthly income within 30 days! Bang on target! The said income turned out to be the most that The Magnate had ever earned in 30 days! Check that out at The internet marketing world has opened a whole new world of opportunity for everyone. In business parlance, there is virtually no entry barrier and it might be encouraging to know that the exit barriers don t exist too.
The internet marketing world should definitely not be considered as a no-work-required solution to making money. The road to internet marketing needs personal, consistent, focused navigation to starting and running your own online business. I have generously contributed to many a guru income in my early attempts at navigating the internet marketing space. I have had a bite of out dated information and some fantastic content over this period. The importance of taking a slice out of the market and working at it cannot be over emphasized. One of the very popular internet marketing forums called it, doing one thing at a time . The market is wont to refer to it as your chosen NICHE.
The size of material and information available on the internet on virtually, if not, all subjects is massive. A proper attitude and treatment of this pool of virtually inexhaustible information will turn you into A Magnate in thirty days! You can get the true story of an experienced internet marketer, who went from nothing to around $4,000 in 28 days, here There is no fluff in this guide as he works you through each day and the tasks you would (you need to) achieve each day on your way to freedom in less than 30 days.
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